The Drifter - 7wt 10ft - Matte
Whats Included With Every Drifter Series Fly Rod:
- No Fault LIFETIME warranty (see details on warranty page).
- TWO Tip Sections!
- Hard Canvas 5 Compartment Fly Rod Tube with Embroidered Moonshine Logo.
- Hand Turned Spalted Burl that has been dyed to reveal the exquisite graining in the wood.
- Copper anodized Hardware, from the reel seat to the tip top!
- AAA cork grips with burled ends.
- Comfortable medium action. Effortless casting ability for all skill levels.

The Outcast - 8wt 9ft - Salt
Just like the original, the new Outcast is a superb crossover for Smallies, LM Bass, Striper, Pike, Muskie and more. Whether it's Bones & Permit on the flats, Smallies or Pike, our new Outcast just may become your favorite new stick!
Our new Outcast is lighter in weight featuring a punchier, fast-action blank with more power than its predecessor. It also has some of the best components and features in its class such as:
- Fast Action, Anti-Glare Harbor Grey Blank with Concrete Bindings, Sea Foam and Coral Accents
- High Modulus Graphite
- Sea Foam Alignment Dots
- Titanium Frame SiC Stripping Guides
- Stainless Hard Chrome Snake Guides
- AAAA Grade Cork with Burled Ends
- Salt Ready, Matte Engraved Aluminum Reel Seat
- HD Double Blackout Rings with Delrin Bushings & Fighting Butt
- 5 Compartment Embroidered Cordura Tube
- Two Tip Sections!
- No Fault, Lifetime Warranty to the original owner with Proof of Purchase

The Outcast - 7wt 9ft - Salt
Our next generation Outcast series was redesigned from the ground up to take on the toughest saltwater conditions and species. After several years of feedback from our customers, this rod was made with you in mind from A - Z.
Our new Outcast is lighter in weight featuring a punchier, fast-action blank with more power than its predecessor. It also has some of the best components and features in its class such as:
- Fast Action, Anti-Glare Harbor Grey Blank with Concrete Bindings, Sea Foam and Coral Accents
- High Modulus Graphite
- Sea Foam Alignment Dots
- Titanium Frame SiC Stripping Guides
- Stainless Hard Chrome Snake Guides
- AAAA Grade Cork with Burled Ends
- Salt Ready, Matte Engraved Aluminum Reel Seat
- HD Double Blackout Rings with Delrin Bushings & Fighting Butt
- 5 Compartment Embroidered Cordura Tube
- Two Tip Sections!
- No Fault, Lifetime Warranty to the original owner with Proof of Purchase
Just like the original, the new Outcast is a superb crossover for Smallies, LM Bass, Striper, Pike, Muskie and more. Whether it's Bones & Permit on the flats, Smallies or Pike, our new Outcast just may become your favorite new stick!

The Drifter - 8wt 9ft - Matte
Whats Included With Every Drifter Series Fly Rod:
- No Fault LIFETIME Warranty (see details on warranty page).
- TWO Tip Sections!
- Hard Canvas 5 Compartment Fly Rod Tube with Embroidered Moonshine Logo.
- Hand Turned Spalted Burl that has been dyed to reveal the exquisite graining in the wood.
- Copper anodized Hardware, from the reel seat to the tip top!
- High grade AAA cork grips with burled ends.
- Comfortable medium action. Effortless casting ability for all skill levels.

The Drifter - 7wt 10ft - Matte
Whats Included With Every Drifter Series Fly Rod:
- No Fault LIFETIME warranty (see details on warranty page).
- TWO Tip Sections!
- Hard Canvas 5 Compartment Fly Rod Tube with Embroidered Moonshine Logo.
- Hand Turned Spalted Burl that has been dyed to reveal the exquisite graining in the wood.
- Copper anodized Hardware, from the reel seat to the tip top!
- AAA cork grips with burled ends.
- Comfortable medium action. Effortless casting ability for all skill levels.

The Drifter "Prophecy" - 7wt 11' - Classic Switch - Matte
Whats Included With The Prophecy Series Fly Rod:
- No Fault LIFETIME Warranty (see details on warranty page).
- TWO Tip Sections!
- Performance Graphite
- Hard Canvas 5 Compartment Fly Rod Tube with Embroidered Moonshine Logo.
- Copper anodized Hardware, from the reel seat to the tip top!
- High grade AAA cork grips with burled ends.
- Comfortable medium action. Effortless casting ability for all skill levels.
- 5.8 oz Total Weight
- 36" Rod Tube Length

Þegar kemur að því að velja sér flugustöng þá er margt sem maður þarf að hafa í huga. Er maður að velja sér eina stöng sem á að notast í alla veiði, silung jafnt sem lax. Er maður að kaupa sér stöng eingöngu fyrir vatnaveiði eða rennandi ár. Kemur maður til með að nota meiri sökklínur eða flotlínur.
Er ég byrjandi í fluguveiði eða vanur.
Flugustangir eru til í mismunandi lengdum og stífleikum. Stífar stangir bera yfirleitt þyngri línur. Á Íslandi er veðurfar afar mislint og nánast alltaf vindur því kasta flestir fluguveiðimenn svo kallað yfirhandarköst. Fyrir nokkrum árum var farið að kenna veltiköst sem sumir nota og þá sérstaklega í laxveiði þar sem háir bakkar geta hindrað því að það sé kastað venjulega. Ef ég tala út frá minni reynslu þá vel ég frekar stífar stangir þar sem vindur spilar stóra rullu í dæmið. Stangir fyrir línu 6wt, 7wt eða 8wt er tilvalið að kaupa sem þú getur notað í alla veiði hvort sem er 9fet eða 10fet. Með 10 feta stöng getur þú betur stjórnað rennsli línunar í rennandi vatni.