Stærð 7/8
Litur: Svart
SOLID and LIGHTER WEIGHT - Precision CNC-machined 6061-T6 aluminum alloy for high-impact durability; Larger CNC hollow design makes the reel lighter than ordinary ones.
CORROSION RESISTANCE - Hard anodized for surface protection increases abrasion resistance and weather fastness; Cold forged and tempered for superior strength and rigidity.

Stærð 7/8
Litur: Blár
SOLID and LIGHTER WEIGHT - Precision CNC-machined 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
for high-impact durability; Larger CNC hollow design makes the reel
lighter than ordinary ones.
CORROSION RESISTANCE - Hard anodized for surface protection increases
abrasion resistance and weather fastness; Cold forged and tempered for
superior strength and rigidity.

Piscifun® PLATTE Fly
Stærð 7/8
Litur: Svart
- Solid CNC-machined 6061-T6 aluminum alloy construction provides increased corrosion protection
- Multi-disc carbon and stainless steel drag system with one-way roller clutch for instant reaction
- Clicker Drag design offers accurate adjustment
- Sealed o-ring screw cap resists dirt and grit and lost as well
- Hard anodized finish offers long-lasting performance for abrasion resistance
- Large-Arbor Design reduce line memory while also facilitating lightning-quick line pickup.
- Fully sealed carbon to stainless drag system resists dirt and grit.
- Knurled Drag Knob for easy gripping
- Quick, easy left/right conversion
- Manufacturer's a lifetime warranty

Piscifun® Sword Ⅱ
Stærð 7/8
Litur: Svart
You will be amazed at the performance, price and value of the Sword series. It features CNC-machined 6061-T6 aluminum alloy construction, hard anodized finish, easy-to-adjust drag system and lightweight design, which makes them winner reels in the similar price range.
SOLID and LIGHTER WEIGHT - Precision CNC-machined 6061-T6 aluminum alloy for high-impact durability; Larger CNC hollow design makes the reel lighter than ordinary ones.
SILKY SMOOTH DRAG - Multi-disc cork and stainless steel drag system with a one-way clutch bearing for smooth immediate drag engagement. Accurate click drag and silent retrieve.
CORROSION RESISTANCE - Hard anodized for surface protection increases abrasion resistance and weather fastness; Cold forged and tempered for superior strength and rigidity.
Mid-ARBOR DESIGN - Reducing line memory while also facilitating lightning-quick line pickup.

Piscifun® Aoka XS
Stærð 7/8
Litur: Grænn, Rauður, Blár
Fly Fishing Reel with Sealed Drag, CNC-machined Aluminum Alloy Body Fly Reel.
Fully Sealed Drag - The drag system of Aoka XS fly fishing reel is fully sealed by sturdy rubber O ring, which is impervious to water, sand and grit. The excellent corrosion resistant performance makes it a great reel for both fresh and saltwater fishing.
Silky Smooth - Aoka XS fly fishing reels features a carbon fiber drag washer and a cork washer, which offer much smoother performance and more accurate adjustment than ordinary drag. The incredible durability and smooth performance provides you a perfect experience.
Precisely CNC Machined Aluminum Body- Aoka XS fly reel body is made of high quality 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum alloy and made by Japanese Brother CNC Machine. This helps the reel come with superior quality, lightweight and strength. Meanwhile, the promotion Die-cast technology makes the spool much smoother.
Click Drag & Retrieve- Aoka XS fly reel features click retrieve design which provides you a super sweet sound when reel the line in. At the meantime, you will also enjoy its drag sound.
Exquisite Appearance - The exquisite CNC cut on the frame perfectly reveals Piscifun logo, this stylish design paired with refined surface treatment make the Aoka XS fly reels easily stand out from other reels.

Piscifun® Aoka XS
Stærð 7/8
Litur: Grænn, Rauður, Blár
Fly Fishing Reel with Sealed Drag, CNC-machined Aluminum Alloy Body Fly Reel.
Fully Sealed Drag - The drag system of Aoka XS fly fishing reel is fully sealed by sturdy rubber O ring, which is impervious to water, sand and grit. The excellent corrosion resistant performance makes it a great reel for both fresh and saltwater fishing.
Silky Smooth - Aoka XS fly fishing reels features a carbon fiber drag washer and a cork washer, which offer much smoother performance and more accurate adjustment than ordinary drag. The incredible durability and smooth performance provides you a perfect experience.
Precisely CNC Machined Aluminum Body- Aoka XS fly reel body is made of high quality 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum alloy and made by Japanese Brother CNC Machine. This helps the reel come with superior quality, lightweight and strength. Meanwhile, the promotion Die-cast technology makes the spool much smoother.
Click Drag & Retrieve- Aoka XS fly reel features click retrieve design which provides you a super sweet sound when reel the line in. At the meantime, you will also enjoy its drag sound.
Exquisite Appearance - The exquisite CNC cut on the frame perfectly reveals Piscifun logo, this stylish design paired with refined surface treatment make the Aoka XS fly reels easily stand out from other reels.

Að velja sér fluguveiðihjól er í sjálfu sér ekkert flókið, þú veist fyrir hvað númer stöngin er og þá velur þú þér hjól fyrir þá línu. Í flestum tilfellum eru til tvær gerðir sem eru standard hjól með djúpa spólu og svo kölluð large arbor hjól sem eru með grunnri spólu sem er þá stundum aðeins breiðari sem gerir það að verkum að þegar fiskur syndir hratt í áttina til veiðimannsins þá spólar maður línunni hraðar inn heldur að vera með standard hjól. Þessi hjól taka yfirleitt meira magn af undirlínu og fara oft betur með flugulínuna. Oft er það sagt að hjólið sé bara geymsla fyrir línuna sem er oft rétt þegar verið er að veiða litla fiska en þegar þú ert farin að spila stærri fiska þá getur það skipt sköpum að vera með hjól með góðri mjúkri bremsu.
Bremsan í fluguhjóli og hvernig hún er varin skiptir miklu máli svo það komist ekki vatn, ryk eða sandur inn í bremsuverkið „ Fully Sealed Drag“. Það er til þó nokkuð af hjólum sem kosta helling og eru ílla varin, því ættu menn að skoða hvernig er gengið frá hlutum í stað þess að kaupa eitthvað þekkt merki sem standast ekki þessar kröfur. Þú færð það sem þú borgar fyrir segir máltækið en það á ekki alltaf við í þessu kaupum.
Flest betri hjól í dag eru rennd í CNC vélum úr heilli 6061-T6 álblokk.